Prekindergarten Programs

Exciting updates for 2024!

We've streamlined these reports using Power BI and integrated information on Prekindergarten Partnerships. The enhanced versions now feature a list of collaborating early learning providers, statistics on PreK school types, and enrollment figures categorized by school type.

You can view the new reports here:

The older versions of these reports are still active below. However, these reports will not be updated for the 2023-2024 school year.

Texas Public Prekindergarten Programs

Information on Texas public school prekindergarten programs including the number of school districts and schools offering full-day and half-day programs as well as student enrollment. Student enrollment is shown by gender, race/ethnicity, ADA eligibility status, Emergent Bilingual (EB)/English Learner (EL) status, economically disadvantaged status, special education status, and other student subpopulations. Additionally, this report provides enrollment by prekindergarten funding sources and high-level financial information. This report is at the state, district, and school level.